Permata ke IIUM - MAYS project

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السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته

Masih Ada Yang Sayang (MAYS) project is come back with its second series called 'Permata Ke IIUM'. After the its first series 'Baktisiswa - Menggilap Permata' had successfully conducted, now its turn for second series which its aim is to expose the target group to the life as a student in a higher institution. Besides that, this trip aims to motivate them to recognize the importance of knowledge that can guide their life to achieve their dreams. 

This program taken place on 26th - 28th April 2013.

Among the activities that had been conducted were explanation  as an early exposure to these “Permata” regarding courses that are offered in International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) as well as other universities. This is intended to encourage them to excel in their studies and further a degree University Level. Lots of activities will be conducted so that it will give a better input to the “Permata” so that they can apply the knowledge they gain in their daily lives as a school student.

 May Allah bless us always.
May this relationship stay forever.

Aslih Nafsak Wad'u Ghairak



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