Steadfast Induction Course 2012

by 2:15 PM 0 comments

Steadfast-ians could be satisfied now when all new Excos and Mainboards in this tenure had been asked to join Course Induction for this year- 2012. This tenure which is led by our President, Bro. Aqil Azmi Khair. Yes, it seems that all members are satisfied with his leadership in Steadfast, since he mentioned that he aimed to make Steadfast as an Islamic club that will apply Islamic environment, together with Islamic vision and mission. In line with that, Steadfast club has so many targets which will make this club as the best club that will contribute to the society. This is together with a new project – MAYS.

In order to make this as an achievement, we had conducted Induction Course that was taken place at Kem Sri Raudhah on 18th and 19th February 2012. The committees that take charge were brother Azfar and Sis Amirah Najwa from TOT, which stands for Team of Trainers. The line-up of mainboards also delivered their speech about some knowledge that they cannot get in classroom. Surely, this kind of new information will make all of the excos to be more prepared in the future.

The first slot was from Alumni, by Bro Man that mentioned a lot about the past history of Steadfast, and how all bureaus were formed like nowadays. The secretary, Nor Fazlina also had enlightened about making paper works, and other new things that should be informed to all of excos. Other than that, they also have to pay fees for RM25. However, that amount is more than enough to eat delicious food. And we are so sure that all of them were contented because all food that served finished to their stomach very well. xD

To end, we would like to wish all the best for all heads and assistants. As far as we can see, everyone is doing their best. If people cannot see your effort, don’t worry, because Allah will never miss to value or to grade your ibadah. Make sure that everything that we do is ibadah. insyaAllah. Assalam. Sayang Steadfast :)



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