Steadfast Summer Soul Camp 2.0

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السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته

Summer Soul Camp is back! :D

Alhamdulillah. Time flies, season changes, and yet the blessings remain countless. An annual sahsiah camp was once again held on last 13th - 15th September 2013, this time through an appealing "Back to Basic" approach with different activities and slots

The program had involved only the club members with the objective to increase their knowledge and understandings, in hopes to create an akhirah-conscious members and dai'es. The program is also to encourage everyone to learn just as much, putting aside those physical and non-physical barriers to get together to seek out His pleasure under one name and one faith, called a Muslim :)

Blockbuster Movie : Sultan Muhammad Al-Fateh


May Allah guide us always to become a better person and a better Muslim. Till we meet again in the next soul camp, Aslih Nafsak Wad'u Ghairak  :)



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