New Intake Recruitment ; 2012/2013

by 5:15 PM 0 comments
Assalamualaikum. Peace be upon you.

Life would not be easy if you work alone. Allah says in Quran:

“This is because which your hand sent before you for GOD never harms, those who serve His.” (al-Imran: 182)

Hence, purify ourselves and see if we can serve His wills.

Therefore, Steadfast had organized on taking new members! We had so much fun accepting new members to our family. Life will be much easier if we work together.

The details are below:
- Kuliyyah of Economics on 24 & 25 of September.
- Kuliyyah of HS on 26,27 & 28th of September.

Here are some photos to feast your eyes!

We were entertaining one of new members.

Our President, Vice President 1 and our Secretary for the current tenure at the back was observing the new member filling the forms.

 Preparing handbills to visitors.

P.s: Do re-vote for the next SRC election. All the best to all candidates!
To all IIUM students, fulfill your duty :)



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