Interview Session for New Intake & Haflatur Rabitah

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السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته

  Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. The interview session for the new intake 2014/2015 was held for 3 days starting from 22nd until 24th September 2014 with the objective to get more detailed information of the candidates. Later, 99 members were selected out of 260 candidates.
 Congratulation and "Welcome to Our Family"


 Waiting room

 Waiting room

 Waiting room

 Interview session

Briefing given by Vice President 1

On the next day which was on 25th September 2014, the first Haflatur Rabitah (family night) for semester 1 2014/2015 was held in order for us to get to know  each other more deeply and especially for the new members to feel the sweetness of brotherhood in our club. For your information, Haflatur Rabitah is held for every month during semester.  May Allah strengthen the ukhuwah and together we serve the Ummah :)

 Steadfast's advisor (En Bakri bin Omar)






Smile ^___^

Aslih Nafsak Wad'u Ghairak



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