Date/Day: 8th-10th May 2009(13-15 Jamadilawal 1430H)/ Friday-Sunday
Venue: Rumah Anak Yatim
Partcipants: 50 students PMR
Facilitators: 18
Recently STEADFAST got an invitation program from Sek. Men. Ren. Agama Jempol. We went to the school by public transportation. It took about 3 hours from Kuala Lumpur to reach there. Alhamdulillah, we had a good and safe journey. The program focused on the important of English for PMR candidates of the school. In addition, the focus of the program also based on the discipline building of the students.
The students randomly be divided into several groups. Each group has been monitored by 1 or 2 facilitators. We have planned variety of modules for the students. In the beginning each group has been assigned to choose the name of the group (in English) together with trademark. Another in group modules focused on the ability of the students in using of English language. Among the modules were;continuous story telling and formation of simple words from the complex words. Simple and fun modules have been used for the students due to their average performance in English language.
The outdoor games seemed to please the students most compared to the indoor activity. We managed to conduct explorace for the students. The checkpoints used were based on the using of English language games. We have 'regu' using simple words,arrangement of alphabets to form a word, etc. In brief, the students enjoyed the explorace. They put their high effort in group to finish all the tasks. At night, the students participated in cultural night. They were acting,singing in English.This was another method which we used to inspire them to learn English. The facilitators helped them out in their performance. Their teachers later judged the performance. According to the teachers, they were surprised that their students actually have the ability to perform in English.
After the cultural night, we have conducted special slot (recall) with the students. Basically this slot highlighted on 'muhasabah diri'(self recognition). On the last day,we have closing ceremony by ex-minister Dato' Khalid. After the prize given and closing part, all of the students, faclitators as well as teachers had a visit at Dato' Khalid Gallery. All in all, the program ran well although we faced several minor problems. Insya Allah, Steadfasts facilitators will work harder in future to cater with those minor problems.
Congratulations to all facilitators who had try their best for this program.May Allah rewards all of you with His Best reward. Insya Allah.
p/s: jangan serik join program tau..keep up your support for other future programs soon.
Most valuable experience..we are united in 'United' bus..
S.M.R.A. Jempol Next Talented actors&actress..
Adek2: we want more...we want more..we want more..we want chipsmore!!!
Others: tepuk terima kasih...T.Q..toce...syukran..nandrek..arigato emmmmmuah..
Eating time...enjoy it..Ittadakimaas!!!
p/s: the pic report will continue soon..a lot of great pic to share...Wait ah...Info try to make it quick...
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